Magical Power Of Self-Love: How It Heal Us & Others

Moidheen Drew
3 min readNov 1, 2023


Love yourself
Image by freepik

Self-love is looking at ourselves from the eyes of love, recontextualising all our thoughts, behaviours, actions, and feelings towards ourselves by the energy of Love. Filling our Body, Mind and Soul with that energy.

Love comes with a package of its nature of radical acceptance, appreciation, affection, encouragement, care, consideration, nurturing, nourishment, warmth, gentleness, and all the good things.

It means we embrace all of our thoughts, emotions, personality quirks, our psychological wounds of past hurts, and insecurities. It has a magical power to heal and the healing begins.

We feel immensely empowered by ourselves.

We feel safe and secure within ourselves.

We feel good about ourselves.

We feel comfortable with ourselves, we enjoy our own company.

We feel confident in ourselves.

We develop high self-worth.

We start to trust ourselves more, we start to respect ourselves more.

We feel worthy of everything good.

We feel we deserve the best and we do what is best for us in the moment. We feel worthy of a beautiful life, our life becomes precious, and the choices and decisions we make will be for the highest good, this love motivates us to grow in life.

Image By freepik

And we start to flourish within like a beautiful flower. We no longer need the approval of others. We no longer need to be accepted by others. We no longer need external validation because we know our worth now.

We don’t need anyone to define that for ourselves. We know our worth and we will live according to it.

We will no longer accept anything into our lives that is harmful or toxic even if it’s the food we eat or any relationships with people. Nothing has the permission to stay in our lives that devalues, disrespects, and unloves our beautiful selves.

We realize that our real value is not something that is defined by society, but an inherent quality of our souls. To feel like we have value, we don’t need to do anything special or become anything. Other’s opinions, validations and judgements don’t affect it, we realize that we are valuable just by being ourselves in our unique individuality.

Now we don’t need to seek love outside, begging for others to love us.

We are not beggars anymore because we already have what we are seeking within us abundantly for ourselves.

Instead, we are now Philanthropists of love.

We have so much love inside that we are overflowing with love, that we give others our overflowing love freely and unconditionally.

Then we are not just loving ourselves. We become love itself, an embodiment of the very energy of love.

At a stage our “self” disappears and what is left is just love. And it can be felt by everyone around us, by the radiance of our aura.

We kind of start glowing in some way that people want to spend time with us because in our energy field, in our presence, they get a glimpse of the possibility of how love can change their lives too. And they want to experience it.

People are happy and they reflect back love to us because they can’t help but love. Because we are love itself and people are mirrors, they reflect back the love of us.

They may even start their own journey of self-love, and find themselves transformed by the power of love.

And now we are not only changing our lives through self-love, we are changing the lives of others one by one that we place the seed of possibility to bring change at the global level, all with the energy field of love itself. In the energy field of love, everything gets better and better.

So, Love❤.

PS: I will be rolling out many insightful essays soon, so keep in touch and hit follow for future updates.



Moidheen Drew

Inside every person lies a latent Power, unmanifested, full of potential. I aim to be a guide and a catalyst, to ignite this dormant energy within all of us.