Realize Your Power Within — An Invitation to Your Truth

Moidheen Drew
5 min readJan 30, 2024


Realize Your Power Within

In reality, we are born into this world as a fragmented fractal part of the higher power, which is the Omnipotent Source of Creation. This means each and every person holds a spark of that unlimited Power within them by nature and origin.

But we are not aware of it. We come in a state of unconsciousness.

Disempowered through Conditioning

What happens as we grow up is we are subjected to the influence and conditioning of others. Back then, when we were really young, we did not know ourselves. So what others tell us, show us, and make us feel by how they treat us becomes a reference image that we use to understand who we are.

Because we didn’t develop the ability for self-awareness, we internalise these reflections others show about us as truth about us.

The problem with this is that what we use to learn about ourselves is a flawed and distorted image that may not reflect the truth of who we really are.

Because we live in a society of the majority that is not fully aware of their true nature or hasn’t really evolved to a level of spiritual/psychological maturation, everyone is operating from their ego. That means they see the world and people in it based on their subjective experiences and biases.

People see others not by really understanding the other person for their real truth. People understand others by their projections, judgments, and their reactions.

Our basic judgment about people is based on how convenient they are to us. If someone is convenient, beneficial, friendly, and appreciative and makes us feel good about ourselves, we develop a positive association with that person. We judge and make an image of that person as a good person, and we reflect that towards that person.

If the opposite happens in our interaction, if a person is inconvenient, not useful to us, indifferent, or makes us feel bad about ourselves, we form a negative image of that person in our minds.

In most cases, what we understand about a person is not really based on the real understanding of that person, but it is essentially about our own projection, and it often doesn’t show us the real, full picture of that person.

So we believe this distorted, unreal reflection we get from others as truth, as our reality. We internalise the image as the real understanding of ourselves.

We can observe ourselves and find narratives within us about ourselves based on this reflection we get. For instance, I am ugly, I am weak, I am not good enough, I am not smart enough, I am not capable, I am not lovable, I am bad.

Disempowering narratives in our head

We are telling this to ourselves as the truth of ourselves when, in actuality, these are the results of conditioning.

It is the opinions and reflections other people instilled in us from their flawed perceptions. So, you grow up forgetting and unaware of your own real power and worth.

Awakening to the Power Within

This society’s effect on us is toxic and disempowering. But your power is never lost; you are merely unaware of it.

You are blind, asleep, and dreaming. You are playing a weak character that you are programmed into by the influence and conditioning of others.

Most people live and die without knowing all this. They are limited by their conditioning, and they hold on to their conditioning till they die. So much potential has been wasted.

When you live unaware of your power and your worth, you live a limited life. You cannot expand to your potential. You cannot realise your real talents, strength, and purpose. You miss opportunities, fail to achieve your goals and dreams, feel inferior to others, feel small, crushed by life, and feel like you have no control.

This is not good for you, and it is not good for others or for the whole of humanity. Your personal expansion and the evolution of humanity depend upon our realisation of our own power that is inside us, in each one of us, even if how disempowered we are feeling right now.

It requires us to see beyond the veil and the lies we tell ourselves about who we are and what others tell us about us.

Everything is an extension and part of the omnipotent reality that we call God, Source or Universe. That means everything in the universe has power, including you. Nothing, and no one is weak.

What is weak is just the human dilemma of wrong judgment, perception and attitude.

What is currently stopping us from understanding our truth and the power within us is those lies, those disempowering narratives we have in our minds about ourselves. To unlock and realise our inner power, we must understand these narratives.

Look and see how disempowering those narratives are.

See how they limited us in our lives in every area. See how they are currently limiting us now and see how they could limit us in the future if we let them rule in our lives.

Don’t believe any of those thoughts, beliefs, or narratives that make you feel disempowered and limited in any situation.

Scrutinise them even if the beliefs and narratives thoughts are highly convincing from your own experience and by what others are constantly telling you.

Be consciously aware of those disempowering narratives and replace them with something that is empowering, that will affirm your power, strength, and worth, and watch your life change.

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Moidheen Drew

Inside every person lies a latent Power, unmanifested, full of potential. I aim to be a guide and a catalyst, to ignite this dormant energy within all of us.